Direct Mail Response, What’s in Your Mailbox

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Growing your Direct Mail Response is a major goal of every direct marketer. The USPS delivers 506 million mailers per day. We ask Grandma Ray what she received in her mailbox today and let her tell us about how she responds to it.

From Grandma Ray…

Stanley Steemer Direct MailIn today’s mailbox were two pieces of advertising. One was an envelope from some bank that I threw in the trash right away along with some clothing catalogs. The bank probably wants to lend me money or offer a credit card. I also got a big, glossy, double sided postcard from Stanley Steemer.

I  have new carpets and the furniture doesn’t need a shampoo, but the shock of bright yellow-gold and the offer of $35 off any cleaning service is hard to toss. There are some little before and after photos to study along with pictures of fun ways to get dirty – and Stanley Steemer will clean it for you when it’s tracked inside.

Oh – I just noticed a promo code and expiration date. Maybe I’ll take it to coffee tomorrow morning and see if anybody wants to save $35.00 on carpet cleaning.”


Save Mart Direct Mail“I’ve had Save Mart coupons burning a hole in my pocket for a week. With my Save Mart customer card I could save $1 off any paper towel and $2 off any frozen food. Plus I had $1 off any purchase on that same card. I couldn’t wait!

With a few non-sale deli items in my cart, I took a shortcut thru the greeting card section to get from frozen foods to the paper towels. The store was, as always, neat and clean and organized, but as I approached the end of the aisle I saw a greeting card half out of its display. That made my mind race. Did I need a birthday card? Who’s sick or having an anniversary? Gone from my mind was the fact that I load up on cards from the Dollar Store a couple times a year, but I had to stop and look at the card that was out of order. It made me wonder about Save Mart customers. Do they always stick to their list? Or might they be up sold by coupons or something that catches their eye? Notable: They gave me another coupon.”

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