

PDF v1.4 outputs for easiest VDP printing

We have found that it is best to output all PDF files as version 1.4 for the best printing.  Often times newer PDF versions create larger files and create confusing printer commands and simpler PDF’s are smaller files and create less problems on VDP digital presses.

PDF 1.6 has commands that can confuse older digital presses […]

By |2017-08-17T14:06:27-07:00July 6th, 2017|Questions|3 Comments

How do you output the Header-Row

The question of how to output the header row of the database into the art comes up often. Usually this is based on the need for the first record in the output PDF to show where all the variable fields are located in personalized outputs for the client to approve or for quality control processes.

A […]

By |2017-08-17T14:21:15-07:00July 6th, 2017|Questions|0 Comments